Our signature N°1 scent found in our hemp body butter is derived from a blend of the finest essential oils, all intentionally selected for their distinct natural healing and grounding properties. Together, they provide a tantalizing, but balanced aroma that delivers all of their beautiful benefits along with the healing power of full spectrum hemp oil.

Get to know each one!


Clary Sage

Clary Sage, or Salvia Sclarea, as it is known in the scientific world is a highly medicinal herb with a long history in the field of medicine. Research has shown that it regulates essential body hormones like estrogen, cortisol and thyroid hormone: making it a potent anti-stress and antidepressant agent.

Clary Sage is also famous for its antiseptic properties. This herbaceous oil is selectively toxic to a broad range of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Its relatively high linalyl acetate concentration makes it the go-to solution for individuals battling with skin disorders like inflammation, dry skin, and rashes. 



Derived from the resin or gum of the Boswellia genus of trees, Frankincense is regarded by many to be the top dog of essential oils, and rightly so. Singly, it is implicated in the treatment of several health conditions; from cancer to inflammation, brain disorders, gingivitis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and Crohn’s disease to mention but a few.

It’s also a potent agonist of the TRVP3 ion channels, which are big fancy words for saying it has anxiolytic and anti-depressive properties. Individuals suffering from depression and anxiety will find its effervescent essence to be a pleasant relief.



Like Clary Sage, cypress demonstrates potent antimicrobial activity. But while the former originates from a herb, Cyprus is extracted as an essential oil from a group of coniferous trees belonging to the Cupressaceae family.  In Turkish folk medicine, extracts from the Cupressaceae genus are routinely used as a stimulant, diuretic, and treatment for common cold.

Today in contemporary medicine, Cyprus is regarded as an antioxidant and proven accelerator of the wound healing process. Research published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary Alternative Medicine clearly corroborate this fact.



Underneath the fresh scented musk of the lemon fruit is the d-limonene rich lemon oil. D-limonene by itself is a puissant anti-tumor agent with remarkable antioxidant properties. Aside from its cleansing and refreshing properties, sustained usage of lemon oil as a supplement has been shown to prevent premature aging.

There’s also evidence suggesting that lemon oil plays a huge role in the reversal of complications arising from diabetic neuropathy. One study conducted by the Central Food Technological Institute, India, showed that the geraniol (a derivative of lemon oil) suppressed sciatic nerve damage in patients with diabetes.



With a history that spans well over 2500 years, Lavender oil is without a doubt one of nature’s finest gifts to man. The Egyptians used this extract of the Lavender flower to mummify their loved ones and in the ancient practice of aromatherapy lavender oil deputizes as an effective anti-microbial agent.

Today, researchers recommend lavender aromatherapy as a remedy for postnatal depression and anxiety. In the brain, Lavender oil showcases it neuro-protective tendencies by improving cognitive ability and stymying oxidative stress. Add its anti-stress and mood-boosting properties, and you see why this essential oil is a must-have for every home.