Lifestyle | April 24, 2023

Mello Moms Unite

By Rory Coulter
Mello Moms Unite


10 supermoms share how Mellö and other Ned products make them more patient, peaceful, present, and productive.  

Trinh says: “Mellö has saved my life and my marriage. It’s been so hard this past year with everything going on and I didn’t realize I was deficient in magnesium. I eat Healthy (minimal processed food), exercise, meditate, and yet I still felt very empty. I tried Mellö and it was like magic, I was like happy me again. I was enjoying playing with my kids and having great conversations with my husband. My husband asked what changed and I said the only thing that changed was Mellö. He said, please continue it because I love seeing you so happy. Me too. Subscribed to MELLO!” 

Jennifer says: “As a mom of 3 and a full time teacher, quality sleep has not been easy, and its impact on my life was huge. After hearing about Ned on a podcast, I decided to give it a try. I felt the effects of Mellö the first night, and have noticed a big change in how my days are going. At night I am sleeping and actually feel rested in the morning! I have more energy during the day, and everyone has noticed an increase in my patience! I will be a lifelong customer for sure! Thank you, Ned, for helping me feel like myself again!”

Cristin says: “Mellö has now become a must every morning, especially with 4 kids under 8!”

R.C. says: “I tend to have high anxiety which leads to stress. Ned Daily Blend and Mellö have been helping me already, but De-Stress Blend will now be my nightly go-to! Within 30 minutes of taking it, I started to feel at ease, even as my kids are screaming and crying as usual right before bed!”

Hannah says: “I am a stay at home mom and Daily Blend helps me stay calm and centered taking care of three crazy kids under four. Also helps with anxiety and mood. And personally, I only need the lowest dose to feel these effects. Good stuff, good quality.”

Christina says: “I have lots of young kids and Daily Blend helps me patiently listen to all of their needs when I feel overwhelmed. I don’t take anything else but the occasional ibuprofen when I have a body ache, but this settles the cacophony of my life so I can be a more present mother.”

Britt says: “Daily Blend literally has helped change my whole mood. As a single mother of three wild beauties, it has been amazing. I have tried a few other brand products & Ned’s has by far been the best overall! I enjoy the taste, the vibes, everything from it! I will definitely keep coming back! I also loveee the cute little gifts you get here & there being a valued customer after so many purchases! So thoughtful. I have even personally had someone from the crew contact me & they were so sweet it made me love these products more! Thank you Ned, you’re the best thing that has come into my life lately!”

Leia says: “I have been using Daily Blend daily and feel more peaceful, less anxiety, and more in control of my emotions. These effects have helped me better focus and problem solve while working from home and be a more patient parent to my two small children. Hopefully with continued use the effects will multiply.”

Shelby says: “Love love love De-Stress Blend!!! I have been using it for over a month and it’s a life saver for me. I’m a mom of two boys and an RN, so I’m finding I need to de-stress quite often. I do a dropper in the morning and a dropper at night and even my husband has noticed how much more patient and relaxed I am. Thank you, Ned!!!”

Jasmine says: “I instantly noticed I was getting restful and deep sleep which I haven’t had since before having children.. I have noticed my anxiety and moods have also been better.. I am in love with Sleep Blend so much already!”
