How to Get the Most From Your Sleep Capsules

Taking Sleep Capsules (our bestselling Sleep Blend in measured dose, softgel form) nightly helps improve your sleep quality and quantity so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day, every day.
1. Take 2 capsules with a little water an hour before bedtime every night.
And remember the golden rule: consistency is the difference between good sleep and great sleep! Take two capsules at night, every night. Simple.
Questions about your Sleep Capsules? We've got answers.
Sleep Capsules also add botanicals like oatstraw, lemonbalm, skullcap, and passionflower to promote relaxation and aid sleep.
A peek inside Ned Sleep Capsules

Cannabinoids are the compounds within hemp flowers that offer functional support for our body’s endocannabinoid systems (ECS).

Terpenes and cannabinoids work together in maximizing the effects of one another to help support stress, balance, relaxation, and sleep.
Caryophyllene, Bisabolol, Humulene

A potent infusion of organic and wildcrafted botanicals infused with organic MCT oils to support relaxation and deep sleep.
Oatstraw, nettles, valerian, skullcap, and more
The Perfect Nightcap
Ned full spectrum hemp products are crafted with love by extraordinary people.
Paonia, Colorado Paonia, Colorado Outdoor grown in
Paonia is nicknamed the Valley of Abundance, known for its abundant sunshine, nutrient-dense soil, and fresh water.
Jonathan Jonathan Farmer
Suver Haze Suver Haze Hemp Strain
The elevated levels of CBN along with three of the best terpenes for rest and tranquility - Caryophyllene, Myrcene, and Linalool - make this a powerful strain for a peaceful night's sleep.
Cold extracted ethanol Cold extracted ethanol Extraction Process
After the cold extraction, the residual ethanol is gently lifted from the extract resulting in an incredibly aromatic, clean, and quality hemp oil.