Our Editorial Team

Meet Chelsea Freeman

Customer Happiness Specialist

I work hard to ensure all our wonderful customers have an amazing experience every time they shop Ned and use our products.

Ned Essentials

"I take the Brain Blend in the afternoons, Mellö each night and use the Daily Balm as a nighttime moisturizer."

When I am not at work, I am studying as a Master of Science student in Integrative Nutrition and  Herbalism, preparing herbal and culinary medicine, baking better-for-you sweets, and visiting local farms with my family.


Family, Faith, Love, Peace, Resect, Freedom and Equality for all!


Cooking, Herbal Medicine, Culinary Medicine, Hiking, Gardening

"I am proud to work for a company that supports local farmers, works towards sustainability, has deep rooted values in respect, and wants to make the world better."

Check out their Favorite Products
Brain Blend
Brain Blend
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Mello Magnesium
Mello Magnesium
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Daily Balm
Daily Balm
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