Lifestyle | July 15, 2021


By Rory Coulter

Meet Helen Reavey — celebrity hairstylist, founder of Act+Acre (our favorite plant-based hair wellness brand), and Friend of Ned. We chat with her about karma, kindness, and The Great British Bake Off! 

Ned: How would you describe yourselves?

Helen: I’ve been known to be composed, calm, dedicated to my work, and creative. The mom in me likes to make sure my people feel supported and heard. I love sharing my knowledgemy career wouldn’t be the same without many wonderful mentors and I’m happy to play that role for others.

Ned: What are the core values that guide you in your daily life?

Helen: Karma and kindness. 

Ned: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

Helen: It’s never too late. 

Ned: What’s something you’ve learned this past year?

Helen: Breathwork! This has become the most important tool for me to lead a stress-free and centered life. 

Ned: What’s wellness to you?

Helen: Wellness is rooted in simplicity. I believe in doing things that make you feel good, without putting pressure on yourself or overinvesting resources. For me, this looks like feeding myself well, listening to my body, and staying in tune with my needs.

Ned: What’s your idea of contentment?

Helen: We’re only human. To me, contentment means enjoying the little moments, finding fulfillment in the everyday, and playing an active role in your community. 

Ned: What’s your best tip for managing stress?

Helen: Breathwork. Always. 

Ned: What’s a super simple practice you do that’s improved your life?

Helen: The act of a tailored morning ritual truly clears my head and prepares me for the day. Recently, this ritual looks like a cup of hot water to wake up the liver, followed by meditation and breathwork. I also believe in the power of intentional spaces: to relax, to read, to work, and to reflect.

Ned: What’s the smallest change you’ve made that’s had the biggest impact?

Helen: A morning that doesn’t start with a phone makes all the difference. 

Ned: What’s something you want to start doing?

Helen: I’d love to use Act+Acre to start an educational platform for hair type and scalp health literacy. We look to our community to gauge what’s working or not working, and I hope to continue building out a way for our people to give product and general brand feedback so we can make sure their hair looks and feels as good as possible. 

Ned: What’s something you want to stop doing? 

Helen: ...eating french fries 

Ned: What’s your favorite morning ritual?

Helen: Any morning when I do my Scalp Detox. The act of a detox, paired with a gua sha, is such a divine way to start a day. I know my hair will look beautiful afterwards which boosts my confidence. 

Ned: What’s your favorite nighttime ritual?

Helen: I’ll say it. I love a good episode of the Great British Bake Off. Loud and proud. 

Ned: Who do you follow that really inspires you?

Helen: @Melissawoodhealth. She’s a dear friend of the brand who inspires me to always look forward while making health and wellness a priority.

Ned: What’s something you’re grateful for?

Helen: My family and Act+Acre team. 

Ned: What’s something that would make the world a better place?

Helen: Imagine how wonderful this world would be if people stopped worrying about what other people do. 

Ned: What’s your favorite Ned product and why?

Helen: Sleep Blend. As a founder of a growing business, I’m constantly thinking through ideas and connecting with my teamsometimes late at night due to different time zones. This blend helps me drop into a deep sleep and tune into my circadian rhythm. 

You can follow Helen & Act+Acre on Instagram
