Sleep Blend: From Seed to You

Sleep Blend: From Seed to You

Each bottle of our bestselling Sleep Blend undergoes a rigorous 365 day slow crafting process that involves 45 extraordinary people and 105 distinct steps. It takes a village, but your sleep is worth it!

Summer Sleep Survival Guide
Summer Sleep Survival Guide

Ahh, summer! It’s hot. It’s bright. And your circadian rhythm is out of whack. For everyone whose sleep has been derailed by the seasonal shift, we created this simple Summer Sleep Survival Guide.

Ned CBD CBN Sleep Blend Tincture
Higher Neducation: Sleep Blend

According to the CDC, over 1 in 3 American adults report getting less than 7 hours of sleep a night. Full-spectrum hemp oil, which is rich in cannabinoids like CBD and CBN, is a promising natural sleep remedy. That’s why we created Sleep Blend, a nourishing blend of full spectrum hemp oil, added CBN, and botanicals like lemon balm, skullcap, and passionflower.