Lifestyle | February 22, 2023

The Ned Guide to Free

By Billie Schaub
The Ned Guide to Free

We get it. Money is tight and we’re all watching our spending a little closer these days. Thankfully, tightening your budget doesn’t have to mean deprioritizing your health. At Ned, our mission to help you feel and live better through the powers of the natural world. Our products are one way we do that, but the powers of the natural world are all around us, and often times, they’re free. That’s why we created this guide, The Ned Guide to Free, to put together some all-natural and totally free ways to help you achieve your health goals. We hope these help!


For Sleep



We live in an age of constant information. The pings and rings of our cell phones keep us “connected.” But living with smartphones means we’re now inundated with both the good and bad news from near and far at all hours of the day, making it feel nearly impossible to remain grounded and present. The effect that constant emotional stimulation can have on our nervous system is tremendous and it can make winding down for sleep much harder. Try unplugging for a few hours before bed by putting your phone in airplane mode, deleting news apps and turning off notifications on your phone.  


Avoid Blue Light

Researchers have found that cortisol levels are significantly elevated by evening light exposure. In contrast, nighttime light exposure has been found to significantly suppress the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

Blue light exposure, which comes from our phones and laptops, appears to be the most damaging. One study showed that wearing blue light blocking glasses at night and getting plenty of bright light exposure during the day can help mitigate the effects of blue light exposure. However nothing is quite as effective as shutting down all of your devices a few hours before bed, dimming and then turning off the lights, and relaxing before a deep restful slumber. Learn more about the science behind blue light exposure here.


For Stress

Spend Time In Nature

As we’ve become more reliant on technology, so too have we seen an increase in health and societal issues. At Ned, our mission is to help people feel and live better through the powers of the natural world. Our health, well-being and ability to thrive are all directly correlated to the extent to which we are connected to nature. Studies show that spending more time in nature is linked to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, reduced feelings of isolation, and increased levels of happiness. Plus, studies show that spending at least 30 minutes outside a day can help to improve sleep! Learn more about the stress-relieving benefits of spending time in nature here



Mindfulness isn’t a new concept- it’s an ancient practice that’s centuries old, yet its popularity in the West has grown exponentially in recent years. Many recent studies agree that practicing mindfulness is effective treatment for a variety of psychological problems, and is especially effective for reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. Practicing mindfulness can take many different forms, but at its base, it’s about turning inward and sitting in self-awareness. If you’re starting from square one, there are plenty of free resources to help you establish a mediation practice. This free 10-minute guided meditation is a great place to start. 


For Pain Support


Research out of New Zealand suggests that journaling can help wounds heal faster. How? Long-term emotional upset can increase the body's levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, which weakens the immune system and slows down the healing processes. But the act of keeping a journal can help. Labeling emotions and acknowledging traumatic events allows us to physically and emotionally process trauma so we can begin the recovery process. 


Cold Plunge


While many people understandably aren’t initially thrilled at the idea of submerging themselves in cold water for extended periods of time, the practice shows much promise as a natural path to pain management. One study followed 49 winter swimmers who swam in cold water an average of four times a week. After four months, they reported a significant decrease in tension and fatigue, as well as an improvement in mood, and swimmers who suffered from arthritis or fibromyalgia reported pain relief. One Welsh woman shares the story of how cold plunges helped her reclaim her health and happiness after being diagnosed with fibromayalgia here

At Ned, we believe that we can all feel better and live better through the powers of the natural world. We hope this guide was helpful. Do you have your own free tips for health and wellness? Let us know by sending us an email here: Until then, thanks for being a part of the Ned community. 


