Lifestyle | December 20, 2022

Kelly Scott's Vanilla Shuteye Chai Mocktail

By Billie Schaub
Kelly Scott's Vanilla Shuteye Chai Mocktail

Looking for the ultimate pre-bed drink to support healthy sleep? Given our fast-paced lifestyles, constant screen time, and never-ending to-do lists, falling (and staying!) asleep isn’t the easiest task. However, sleep is essential for your well-being. Sleep quality affects almost every aspect of health including mood, brain health, hormone levels and skin health. Creating a nighttime routine centered around self-care can help relieve stress and get you ready for a restful night. Friend of Ned, Kelly Scott, created this delicious Vanilla Shuteye Chai Mocktail that will help ease your mind and body into deep, healthy sleep. Plus, check out our Q+A with Kelly to get an insider look into how a personal chef and health and wellness creator prepares for bed each night!



- A handful of ice
- 1 cup almond milk or milk of choice
- 1/2 tbsp maple syrup
- a dash of vanilla extract
- 2 scoops Shuteye Chai
- Cinnamon Stick

-Add your ice and almond milk to a glass
-Mix in two scoops of Shuteye Chai
-Stir the vanilla extract and maple syrup
-Garnish with a cinnamon stick and enjoy
-Get the sleep you've been dreaming about!


Get to Know the Recipe Creator

Ned: What’s your name, occupation and instagram handle? 

Kelly: My name is Kelly Scott. I’m a personal chef and content creator. You can follow me at @kellyscleankitchen

Ned: What inspired you to start creating mocktails? 

Kelly: I almost never drink, but still like having a fun and flavorful drink in hand when being social or at home with a nice dinner. I love that they are much healthier and don't have the negative effects that alcohol can have. 

Ned: What does holistic health mean to you? 

Kelly: Holistic health means looking at my health from all angles to try to be the healthiest and best version of myself that I can be. This often means looking at things from a more natural point of view to pin point to root cause of the issue rather than addressing only the symptom with standard western medicine. 

Ned: What do you love about Shuteye Chai

Kelly: I love the high quality ingredients first and foremost. Secondly, I love the great flavor. It has the perfect combination of warming spices to be a great night cap. 

Ned: What's your nightly Shuteye Chai ritual? 

Kelly: I like to make a shuteye warm latte around 1 hour before bed and blend it with my favorite dairy free milk. 

Ned: How does Shuteye Chai support your sleep?

Kelly: I have seen that it definitely helps calm my nervous system and makes me more relaxed and ready for bed. 

Ned: What do you do with the sediment at the bottom of the mug? 

Kelly: I typically mix it up with a spoon for a last flavorful sip!

Ned: What's your favorite sleep tip? 

Kelly: I avoid electronics and screen time for two hours before bed, wear blue blocker glasses once the sun sets, drink Shuteye Chai and also take Ned's Sleep Blend before bed. I also always read before bed instead of scrolling on my phone.
