Lifestyle | December 01, 2020

Higher Neducation Quiz Answer Key

By Billie Schaub
Higher Neducation Quiz Answer Key
True or False: The endocrine system and the endocannabinoid system work together to regulate mood, stress regulation, pain regulation, and more.

The correct answer is "True". Hemp oil can be used to activate the endocannabinoid system and as a result, it can impact the equilibrium of key hormones such as insulin, cortisol, and melatonin. You can learn more about how hemp oil can help with hormonal regulation by watching this video.


When all the healing compounds in hemp are consumed together, they enhance each other's desired effects, creating what researchers call the…

The correct answer is the "Entourage Effect". When all the healing compounds in hemp are consumed together, they enhance each other's desired effects, creating what researchers call the "Entourage Effect". To learn more, check out this video.

True or False: Magnesium is essential to over 300 functions of the body.

The correct answer is "True". Magnesium is essential to over 300 functions of the human body and 75% of American adults aren’t getting enough of it.

True or False: It’s safe to take multiple Ned products throughout the day.

The answer was "True". Ned products are designed to support and enhance each other, so based on what aspect of your health you’re looking to improve, there’s a dream-team of Ned products to help get you there.

True or False: Natural remedies target symptom suppression versus the root cause of disease.

The correct answer is "False". Natural remedies target the root cause of disease versus symptom suppression.

What is the most effective way to use full-spectrum hemp oil?

The correct answer is "sublingually by holding it under your tongue for 30 seconds". You can learn more about the different ways to take hemp oil here.

True or False: Over 90% of American adults get enough sleep each night.

The correct answer is "False". Unfortunately, 1 in 3 American adults get less than 7 hours of sleep a night.

The hemp Ned uses for all our hemp products is…

The correct answer is "all of the above"! Ned’s hemp is USDA-certified organic, hand-picked, since-source, and grown using sustainable practices.

Magnesium is critical for…

The correct answer is "all of the Above".

Magnesium is the 4th most abundant essential mineral found in the human body. It plays a role in over 300 essential functions of the body such as those involved in DNA and RNA formation, heart rhythm maintenance, immunity, energy production, and most other processes in the human body.
