Lifestyle | May 13, 2022

Friend of Ned: Finnian Kelly

By Rory Coulter
Friend of Ned: Finnian Kelly


Meet Finnian Kelly – executive coach, motivational speaker, founder of Intentionality and Friend of Ned. Dubbed “The Business Mystic”, he’s helped countless people find their purpose, get on their path, and stay the course. We chat with Finnian about where stress really comes from, choosing to be happy, and the most important 17 seconds of his day.

Ned: How would you describe yourself? 

Finnian: I am a positive, intentional and playful person with a big heart. I am an adventurer and lover committed to my path.

Ned: Can you tell us more about the work you do?

Finnian: As the Founder of Intentionality, I help everyday people create extraordinary futures. Intentionality is a philosophy and program that offers a guided process to getting on your path; I do this through my online programs,  1:1 Intentionality coaching program, speaking engagements and by leading Intentionality retreats all over the world.

Ned: What are your core values?

Finnian: Love, trust, freedom and aliveness.

Ned: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Finnian: ‘Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.’ –The Tao Te Ching

Ned: What’s your motto or favorite quote? 

Finnian: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ned: What’s something you’ve learned this past year?

Finnian: Through writing my memoir I’ve learned that our lives are just a series of stories, so why not spend your time writing a story that makes you feel better.

Ned: What’s a super simple practice you do that’s improved your life?

Finnian: Smiling for 17 seconds first thing each morning, while taking a big inhale and exhale and setting my daily intention.

Ned: What’s the smallest change you’ve made that’s had the biggest impact?

Finnian: Choosing to be happy, rather than needing to be right.

Ned: What do you know you need to do to feel like your best self every day?

Finnian: Getting out in nature and getting grounded.

Ned: How do you start your day?

Finnian: Smile, breath, movement, meditation, journaling, prayer, visualization and gratitude.

Ned: How do you end your day?

Finnian: With the Intentionality Daily Reflection.

Ned: What’s your favorite ritual?

Finnian: Dancing before sitting down to eat meals.

Ned: What’s your best advice for stress?

Finnian: Breathe and get into the present moment. Stress is anticipation of a future event that hasn’t yet occurred, while the present moment is magic.

Ned: What’s your best advice for mental health?

Finnian: Get into nature and be compassionate to yourself. Get out of your head and into your heart.

Ned: What’s your best advice for sleep?

Finnian: Tape your mouth so that you force yourself to breathe through your nose, and no tech an hour before bed.

Ned: What’s something you want to start doing?

Finnian: Salsa dancing.

Ned: What’s something you want to stop doing? 

Finnian: Giving away my power by doubting myself.

Ned: Who do you follow that really inspires you?

Finnian: Yung Pueblo.

Ned: What’s something you’re grateful for?

Finnian: Being a part of the Entrepreneurs Organization network and having an incredible group of friends all around the world.

Ned: What’s your favorite Ned product(s) and why?

Finnian: Meyer Lemon Mellö!


Ned: How do you use your favorite Ned product? 

Finnian: I heat it up and drink it before bed while doing my end of day reflection and journaling.


Finnian's new book 'Intentionality' is out now! Get it here

