Lifestyle | November 01, 2021


By Rory Coulter

Meet Arielle Lorre — health & wellness influencer and podcaster, founder of The Blonde Files, and Friend of Ned. We chat with her about her daily rituals, tuning into her intuition, and getting her daily screen time under 8 hours! 

Ned: How would you describe yourselves? 

Arielle: Wife, daughter, sister, friend, content creator, dog mom…! Continually seeking to grow personally, professionally, spiritually and make the most out of this life. I would say I’m driven, ambitious, curious, resilient. This is such a hard question to answer!

Ned: What are the core values that guide you in your daily life?

Arielle: Honesty, humility and service.

Ned: Where do you find your strength?

Arielle: My spiritual practice and stillness. 

Ned: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

Arielle: Everything that I desire out of  life is exactly what I should be putting into it. 

Ned: What’s the kindest thing anyone’s ever said to you?

Arielle: That’s a tough one. I think that kindest words are sometimes simply encouragement or validation, especially during a challenging  time. Telling someone you see them, are proud or appreciative can have such an impact. 

Ned: What’s something you’ve learned this past year?

Arielle: The importance of relationships and connection.

Ned: What’s wellness to you?

Arielle: Wellness to me is being in tune with my intuition and listening to what I need when it comes to rest, exercise, nutrition, relationships, career and so on. I make decisions that support my wellbeing when I listen to that intuition.

Ned: What’s your idea of contentment?

Arielle: Wanting what I have. It’s not circumstantial, it’s all about my mindset. 

Ned: What’s your best tip for managing stress?

Arielle: Meditation, a detailed calendar, micro breaks during the day, silent walks and breathwork. Oh and good sleep!

Ned: What’s a super simple practice you do that’s improved your life?

Arielle: Not to be redundant but meditation. I do Transcendental Meditation but it can be different for everyone.

Ned: What’s the smallest change you’ve made that’s had the biggest impact?

Arielle: Ice cold showers in the morning.

Ned: What’s something you want to start doing?

Arielle: Getting my screen time under 8 hours a day! (I work almost solely on my phone so it’s hard!)

Ned: What’s something you want to stop doing? 

Arielle: See above! Being on my phone 24/7. 

Ned: What’s your morning ritual?

Arielle: Wake up, drink as much water as I can handle, read a daily spiritual passage, meditate, do some quick breath work, say a prayer, walk my dog and work out! Also I write down everything I have to do that day in my planner so it’s not floating around in my head.

Ned: What’s your bedtime ritual?

Arielle: Run a bubble bath, do my skincare routine, drink some mellö, get in bed by 9pm, read and lights out by 10:30 usually!

Ned: Who do you follow that really inspires you?

Arielle: I have to admit I don’t really consume other people’s content; I try to put blinders on and just focus on what I’m doing! That said, I do get really inspired  from my podcast guests and certain people for specific things. I love Alyssa Lynch for her authenticity, Marianna Hewitt for her entrepreneurship and aesthetic, and Rachael DeVaux for workout and meal inspiration.


Ned: What’s something that would make the world a better place?

Arielle: Less concern over what other people are doing and more introspection and self awareness.

Ned: What’s your favorite Ned product and why?

Arielle: I love them all but mellö was a game changer for me. 

Ned: Which Ned product is on your holiday wishlist?

Arielle: More De-stress blend!

You can follow Arielle Lorre on Instagram and listen to The Blonde Files Podcast here


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